Our program provides developmentally appropriate learning environments for children ages 2 1/2 – 5. We use movement, art, song, imagination, and social play to nurture each child’s natural abilities and interests. Readiness skills are introduced and developed through hands-on experiences and center-based learning environments. Themes and units are designed for their interest to preschoolers, exposure to the world around us, and active involvement of the children.
The curriculum includes activities and experiences in Language, Math, Social Sciences, Science, Art, Music, Movement, Spanish and Sign Language. Our art and music programs incorporate the study of various artists and musicians. Our science program includes the National Wildlife Federation Schoolyard Habitat program. We are proud to say that Over the Rainbow was the first Early Learning Center in Montclair to be certified by the NWF. We participate in year-round multi-cultural celebrations, trips, and special events.

The preschool program includes our traditional Pre-K for children turning 4 by October 1st. The Pre-K class provides a stepping-stone for your child’s kindergarten experience. The curriculum builds on the NJ State Core Curriculum Standards.
Our Pre-K program builds on the foundations we have established in our nursery program. Our Pre-K class becomes the oldest group in our center and carries all the respect and privileges that their position offers. One of the key words in our program is exposure at every age. Pre-K adds a helping handful of independence based on trust and respect.
Pre-K students function independently in a center-based classroom. They learn how to organize their time and materials, solve disputes, negotiate differences of opinions, and respect the opinion of others. They learn to take chances and have a healthy attitude when things do not turn out as they planned. The classroom philosophy affirms that each member of the class is valued and his/her ideas are expressed and accepted.